Limited Edition
175 years ago a passion was born!
A passion that never died and now lives stronger than ever in this Limited Series of 100 guns.

Get info about the New Zoli Anniversary 175!
Placing an order might be the only way to secure
one with your desired features.

Craftsmanship, design, innovation and exclusivity are the common denominators of all the products created by our family over years of gun making. We are a family whose history is forever intertwined with the gun making production of the Valle Trompia region. One of the first examples is a flintlock pistol whose lock was signed in 1845 by Giovanni Zoli.

The 175th Anniversary of that first accomplishment gives us the opportunity to celebrate a new and important achievement with those who share our passion for best quality guns.
We want to celebrate like we always do, by keeping the focus on the product which is the ultimate expression of what we can do. This pragmatic way of celebrating expresses and narrates the history of generations before us and will leave a strong and visible mark for generations to come.
These are the fundamental reasons why we have created a Limited Series and called it the 175. A 12 ga over and under shotgun in a dedicated hunting version and in an all-around competition configuration.
The history of our family is indelibly connected with the passion of many hunters and target shooters who have accompanied and supported us every step of the way from the very beginning. They are showing an unbreakable loyalty to the Zoli brand. It has been wonderful to be on the journey in such good company and it will be even better to continue on…
Thank you
One hundred seventy-five Engravings

The engraving on our Model 175 is the result of the cooperation between our company and the artists with whom we have worked over the years for the realization of many exquisite engraving. The 175 project features the leaves of the Acanthus Spinosus plant with their thorny margins and deep incisions that run through them and meet at the leaf midrib, all executed in low relief. Examples of this beautiful decorative theme can be found on Corinthians Capitals in Ancient Greek architecture; one of the oldest examples is in the Temple of Apollo Epicurius in the Peloponnese region.
The engraving pattern on the model 175 is executed in low relief. The contrast of the carved background is increased using the “dot” technique, while leaves are given more volume through “shading”.
The engraving pattern is characterized by many exquisite details and refinements that are reminiscent of the theme that inspired it. The number 175 is given the importance it deserves in an oval on the trigger guard and top lever. The Zoli Family Coat of Arms prevails on the action back and is surrounded by two banners, one featuring the company name and one with the Anniversary date. The Zoli Coat of Arms gives this magnificent Model the necessary “backing” it needs to achieve the delicate and crucial task it has been assigned. It also reinforces its artistic and monetary value over time.
When the modernization process finds its root
in historical research...

...tradition turns into innovation.

Premier Zoli Dealer

Elite Shotguns – PA
3179 Harts Run Road – Glenshaw – Pennsylvania 15116
(412) 213-3557 • [email protected]
Elite Shotguns – CA
Call for Appointment Petaluma California 94952
(415) 205-3387 • [email protected]
Elite Shotguns – TX
5931 Roft Rd, Building # 5 San Antonio Texas 78253
(412) 213-3557 • [email protected]
Elite Shotguns – KY
110 Frames Branch Rd Clay City Kentucky 40312
606-481-0955 • [email protected]
Elite Shotguns – FL
5925 82nd Avenue Vero Beach Florida 32966
772-978-0935 • [email protected]
Cole Gunsmithing (North)
21 Bog Hollow Road, Harpswell, Maine, 04079
(207) 833-5027 • [email protected]
Cole Gunsmithing (South)
5740 Shirley St., Naples, FL, 34109
(239) 352-0345 • [email protected]
Cole Gunsmithing (San Antonio)
5931 Roft Rd, Building # , San Antonio, Texas, 78253
(210) 906-0857 • [email protected]
Carlson Sporting Arms
601 N Superior Ave #7A – Tomah WI 54660
(608) 343-0713 – [email protected]
Pacific Sporting Arms (East)
8585 PGA Drive, Ste. 104 – Walled Lake – Michigan 48390
(248) 960-7262
Pacific Sporting Arms (West)
912 W. 10th St. Azusa – California – 91702
(626) 633-1002 [email protected]
Woolley Shooting Clinics Inc.
900 Big Oak Road – St. Augustine – Florida 32095
(904) 556-9286 [email protected]